No More Guilt

Awwww………The smell of spring time, the warmth of a changing season……..this is what I’m looking forward to right now. I can truly say that I am a person that likes winter, but I am ready for a change. And I want that change to be….warmth! There are alot of things that I look forward to….and many more that I have on my “To Do List”. At the top of my “To Do List” this week is …. Exercise!!! Yey, I’m going to start back running(walking) again, after a torturous month of no exercising. About two weeks ago, I tried walking, but the pain in my foot was still there. The marathon is in three weeks!!! I am so frustrated that I will not be able to run the full marathon, but I will, I will finish the half. After training for this marathon for so long and then to have an injury at the pinnacle of my training, I was crushed. I had been increasing my long run by two miles every week. I was in great shape, feeling good, and anticipating my long runs. I have said that not running feels almost like the guilt of sinning. But starting Monday, I will begin gradually introducing pressure upon my poor little foot. No more guilt!

I’ll Hold Your Hand

I learn many lessons from being a mommy. I learn how to be good, good and on my best behavior, being the example that I want children to be. I learn to be flexible, flexible and enjoy the moment that I am spending with my family no matter what life throws our way. I learn to forget, forget about stress, work, dishes, laundry, messes and face book. I learn to focus, focus-on and cherish the daily moments of being a mommy.

Many times throughout the day my children do or say things that are so innocent and pure, that if it came from anyone else it would not have been “so cute.” Last night while sitting at the supper table Tiffany says that she needed to go potty, but returning to the table she says that she wants me to turn the light on for her. I tell her that she is a big girl and she can do it herself. “But I’m scared,” she says. This is when her sister suddenly jumps into action and bravely says, “Come on Tiffy, I’ll turn it on for you.” I was amazed, because Katelyn is often times the one scared to tears when given the same situation.
Spiritually, we have moments like these. We have fears or struggles that we just can’t handle on our own, but when our sister is willing to hold our hand as we go through our struggles; suddenly those struggles don’t seem so hard. A weight can be lifted off, by the simple reassurance that we have someone there with us. Someone who will encourage us emotionally, hold our hand as we walk through the darkness, and someone who will turn that light on when we are too scared to reach out.

I recently had two friends that helped me come through a struggle. They both encouraged me, held my hand when I wasn’t strong, turned that light on, and helped to reminded me of God’s word, and just how wonderful my life is. And my life is wonderful.
I have an amazing husband. We have more in common than anyone else I have ever been around. He knows everything about me: the bad and good me, and he still chooses to love me.
I have fabulous children: My twin girls are intelligent and joyful little girls. My baby boy, is just that “Momma’s Boy.” He is sweet and loveable.
Life could not get any better than this.

Lesson Plans for Spanish Class Tomorrow!

Sopa de arroz con pollo

(Servicio para 3 personas)

½ taza de agua
1/8 taza de arroz
2 cucharaditas de sal
4 tazas de agua
1 cucharaditas de jugo de limón
1 cebolla mediana
5/8 libra de papas – picaditas
5/8 libra de calabaza – picaditas
1 ¼ libras de presas de pollo
Remoje el arroz en ½ taza de agua. Hierva en una olla, las 4 tazas deagua, la cdta. de jugo de limón, la sal, y la cebolla partida endos. Añada el pollo lavado, las papas y la calabaza. Al hervir, tape bien la olla, reduzca el fuego a temperatura moderada y hierva por45 minutos. Maje la calabaza. Escurra bien el arroz, agréguelo ymezcle con la sopa. Tape bien la olla y hierva por otros 20 minutos.

This isn’t how I wanted to start out my blog, but…….

This was weird(I am not crazy)…………During my first period class this morning, I was sitting, talking to my two first period students, when during a pause in our conversation, we heard a “voice” (as though someone was sitting right there with us) say, “Sorry”.  We all looked at eachother in disbelief.  The “voice” spoke right between my students.  There was no one else in the room but the three of us, and no one in the hallway.  One of the girls said that it felt like the voice was right beside her ear.  There have been rumors of the old gym being haunted by a girl.  And the voice was a soft girl’s voice.  There are various stories that circulate through the student body that talk about happenings of : balls bouncing, someone running, taps on the floor, and screaming.  My room is right next to the gym, but nothing has ever happened before.  I’m not into stuff like this, in-fact I try to avoid the topic.  Today I could not avoid it, because it did happen.  At first, we were all three completely creeped-out.  We left the room momentarily to collect ourselves.  At any rate, thought I would share.

Hello world!

This is my first post.   I started out on FB but realize that I had much more I wanted to say.  I don’t want to bore my friends with what I think is my Amazing life & thoughts; so naturally here I am blogging.  If my friends want to read about my life and my thoughts in depth they can come here; otherwise, they can enjoy the small tid-bits they get on my FB account(which I love).    I feel like this is going to be a great adventure.  Welcome to the Chronicles of My Life!